Sunday, October 19, 2008

Self Test

Yes, it's a test but there won't be a grade, only an observation. Please don't send your answers to me, this is for your benefit not mine. There is no time limit on this test, no correct or incorrect answers. Just get out a piece of paper and a writing instrument and copy these four categories. Spend some time making your list or do it in a hurry, which ever suits you. After you have finished your list spend some time reviewing your responses. Don't get in a hurry, let it reveal to you its secret. I was very surprised after three weeks. After a reasonable amount of time I will post my thoughts. Where did the test come from you may ask? It came out of years of desperately seeking God for answers about why I move through this life the way I do. Feel free to share this with others as you see fit, and remember, God is desperately seeking you also.

  1. Things I like about myself.
  2. Things I dislike about myself.
  3. Things I hope will happen.
  4. Things I hope will not happen.

You may begin.